Artist in Residence, Susi Whittaker, has created some original new limited editions demonstrating the broad appeal and wide variety of the themes and styles of her paintings.

Through The Seasons – On the A30, close to the border between Devon and Cornwall, is a copse of beech trees with almost iconic status. For locals and holiday makers alike, they are a heart-warming image that their journey is nearly over. The Cookworthy Knapp trees were planted around 1900 and over the years have acquired many different terms of endearment with the “Nearly There Trees” being Susi’s favourite.
By The Light Of The Silvery Moon – Continuing the romantic theme of Susi’s “story” of two terrier dogs is this latest delightful Artist Proof limited edition of only 2
Padstow Pooch – a further picture in Susi’s popular Terrier Dog range this time based on a female to match the male dog depicted in Salty Dog.
Captain Pugwash – the well known children’s character depicted as a rather handsome and very appropriate Pug dog !