
Strong Women and Colourful Dockland Characters

Terry Bradley was born in Belfast in 1965. His early life was spent growing up just off the notorious Shankill Road where his mother tried to keep him inside and away from the “Troubles” outside their front door.

He creates iconic pictures exploring the voyeuristic side of his nature that he first discovered as a child observing the dangerous world around him.  His work mostly centres on strong women and ex models in Dublin and more recently Paris. His latest work is inspired by the era of the Belle Époque in France and the contrasts and similarities with the Burlesque dancers of New York.

He has also recently started exploring the colourful characters from the Belfast dockland area know as Sailortown. At its heyday 100years ago the dock workers were famous around the world for their hard drinking and hard working attitude. Bradley finds that these paintings now balance the world of burlesque women that he paints.

Bradley is married with three children and lives and works in Ireland.

See the Art of Terry Bradley
